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Category: Policy

Marine spatial plan to be presented to Vietnam National Assembly this week

The marine spatial plan is set to be the cornerstone for the development of Vietnam’s coastline. It has, however, been a long time coming. Work began on the marine spatial plan in 2018 but is still ongoing with a broad range of stakeholders from a diverse range of industries–defence, oil and gas, fisheries, and tourism to name but a few. Not to mention the geopolitical implications related to carving out a swathe of the South China Sea or East Sea as it is known in Vietnam. With this in mind, it may be a while longer too…

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Vietnam PM suggests foreign workers for executive roles at state-owned enterprises

In the past the leaders of SOEs have always been members of the Communist Party of Vietnam which has significantly reduced the talent pool from which to draw–there are currently only a little over 5 million members of the party or around 5 percent of the population. This also leaves these positions open to being filled through political jostling and networking often connected to seniority and an individual’s position within the party more broadly, rather than merit and qualifications…

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Vietnam banks expected to lend US$82 billion this year

With a credit growth limit of 15 percent in place for 2024, Vietnam’s Banks are expected to issue loans to the tune of US$82 billion this year, VN Express is reporting. The publication also notes that credit growth for 2023 reached 13.71 percent in 2023. Food for thought: Credit growth

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British diplomatic cables raise series of concerns about Vietnam’s JETP

British diplomatic cables seen by Political reveal a number of concerns about how Vietnam’s Just Energy Transition Partnership Resource Mobilisation Plan was put together, the publication reported December 8. Politico’s article has a number of choice quotes that reveal the development of the plan and its implementation may not be

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