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Category: Vietnam Bond News

Vietnam’s bond market has faced a number of challenges and controversies in recent years. This section tracks Vietnam bond market news and regulatory developments.

Korean ratings firm enters Vietnam’s credit rating market

This is part of a wider push to improve the quality of Vietnam’s corporate bond market after a number of high profile cases of fraud were revealed. For example, in 2022, Hanoi-based developer of luxury apartment projects, Tan Hoang Minh,  was alleged to have defrauded investors of up to VND 10 trillion though corporate bond issuances…

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Vietnam bank bond issuances skyrocket in June

Of note, deposit interest rates have been rising alongside loans issued by the State Bank of Vietnam to local banks through open market operations–there are currently VND 22,765 billion or US$895.5 million worth of these loans outstanding. It’s also worth noting that credit growth jumped significantly in June reaching 4.45 percent by the 24th. This was significant in that at the end of May credit growth was just 2.41 percent…

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Vietnam corporate bond issuances jump in June

Of note, bond market reforms issued at the end of 2022 resulted in the bond market freezing up with issuances reduced to a trickle. These reforms were then put on hold in March of 2023 and the bond market bounced back. They did, however, come to an end at the end of last year and this looks to be reflected in bond issuances in the first six months of the year which have been lacklustre at best– at least they were until June…

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Vietnam bonds outstanding lowest in Southeast Asia: ADB data

Vietnam had just US$115 billion worth of outstanding government, corporate, and central bank bonds, in the first quarter of this year, according to the Asian Development Bank’s Asia Bond Monitor report for June. This is the lowest value of outstanding bonds among other key Southeast Asian economies. This could be a sign of economic prudence, however, it could also be a sign that Vietnam is under investing in its own development. That being the case, this could threaten Vietnam’s competitive edge in the region further down the track…

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Vietnam May corporate bond payments delayed, amid ongoing real estate capital challenges

Most of these companies were in the real estate sector which fits with a broader narrative around the struggles of managing capital in the sector in recent years. For example, foreign investment has declined and consumer prepayments for residential real estate properties have dried up. This is part of much bigger challenges facing real estate in Vietnam that have been ongoing for years. This latest tranche of delayed bond payments would suggest it may go on a while longer too…

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Vietnam’s corporate bond issuances in 2024 well down on 2023

Of note, bond market reforms issued at the end of 2022 resulted in the bond market freezing up with issuances reduced to a trickle. These reforms were then put on hold in March of 2023 and the bond market bounced back. They did, however, come to an end at the end of the year and subsequently a renewed fall in bond issuances is playing out…

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Vietnam bond market bounces back after reforms delayed

Vietnam’s bond market has bounced back after regulatory reforms, instituted after broad ranging bond fraud was revealed last year, were rolled back, Tuoi Tre is reporting. Of particular note, this article credits delayed regulations on compulsory credit ratings as chief among the reasons that the market was revived. Also of

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Repayments on 19 percent of Vietnam’s corporate bonds delayed this year

Up to 100 firms that have issued corporate bonds have failed to meet their repayment obligations to investors. These firms represent 19 percent of Vietnam’s corporate bond debt with delayed payments from January to November totalling US$7.92 billion, according to The Investor. Despite bond market reforms throughout the year and

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C. bank T-bills expand Vietnam’s bond market by 3.9 percent in Q3

Vietnam’s outstanding bonds hit US$108.6 billion in the third quarter of this year, representing 3.9 percent growth over the previous quarter, Vietnam New is reporting citing an ADB report. Corporate bonds, however, contracted 3.1 percent with the State Bank of Vietnam issuing US$13.5 billion worth of treasury bills to prop

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State Bank of Vietnam puts hold on t-bill issues

Yesterday, for the first time in nearly two months the State Bank of Vietnam issued no new treasury bills, VN Express is reporting. The publication does not speculate as to why that might be. That said, the US dollar experienced a sharp drop earlier this week against the Vietnamese dong

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Pushback on Vietnam bond market reforms resurfaces

The HCM City Real Estate Association (HoREA) has made overtures to the government to push back the effective date of reforms to the bond market due to take effect from January 1, 2024, Vietnam News is reporting. These reforms were outlined in Decree 65 and came into effect in September

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