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Category: Vietnam Renewable Energy News

Vietnam renewable energy news coverage is extensive with the country committed to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. This category monitors news media coverage of Vietnam’s renewable energy transition including key regulations, investments, and progress meeting its green energy goals.

Vietnam’s New Direct Power Purchases Decree: Unpacked

Last week, Vietnam issued Decree 80 creating a mechanism by which private enterprises and power generators can enter into direct power purchase agreements or DPPAs. Exactly how impactful this decree might be, however, is difficult to determine at this early stage with a lot of moving parts and a number of obstacles to be overcome. This article breaks down and puts into context the key components of this new piece of legislation.

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Vietnamese seafood-solar firm to invest in Mekong Delta wind energy

Notably, the renewable energy segment is a relatively new growth driver for Sao Mai–Sao Mai only started investing in renewable energy in 2017 when it established Sao Mai Solar. Currently, the firm operates the An Hao Solar Power Plant with a 210-megawatt peak capacity and Europlast Long An Solar Power Plant with a 50-megawatt peak capacity. These projects contribute about 5 percent of Sao Mai’s revenue, however, they account for 20 percent of the firm’s gross profit…

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Singapore firm adds 196 MW to Vietnam renewable energy to portfolio

Of note, Vietnam ranked second in attracting FDI in renewable energy among developing economies from 2015 to 2022, according to the UN Trade and Development World Investment Report 2023. Key foreign investors in renewables in Vietnam are GE Renewable Energy, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, and Enterprize Energy…

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Spain renewables giant looking at central provinces for Vietnam expansion

Of note, a combination of favorable climate conditions, supportive government policies, and rising demand has made Vietnam a promising market for renewable energy development in recent years. In particular, southern Vietnam has high solar irradiance and strong, consistent winds. The average annual sunshine duration in Khanh Hoa province is 2,600 hours per year, while Ninh Thuan province has the most hours of sunshine in a year, in Vietnam, reaching up to 2,800 hours…

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Vietnam’s zero-VND feed-in-tariffs plan for rooftop solar dumped

The plan was issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and was designed to tackle the issue of over production that surfaced in Central Vietnam several years ago. Said over production, however, was more the result of projects being approved outside of the plans and policies that were in place for solar power development. Specifically, the Government Inspectorate found that the Power Development Plan 7 had set out to see 850 MW of solar power by 2020, however, a total of 168 solar projects with a total capacity of 14,707 MW were approved in that time…

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Vietnam coal power profits surge, but renewables, gas struggle

Coal power plants in Vietnam are reporting bumper profit increases of up to 1,424 percent on the back of poor weather conditions dampening hydropower outputs, Tuoi Tre is reporting. It also states that gas power projects have also not fared well, saying this was due to reduced outputs and lower

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Offshore wind in Vietnam unlikely before 2028

The Investor is covering the Global Wind Energy Council’s Global Wind Report 2024, which says Vietnam will not have offshore wind power before 2028. The report cites the underdevelopment of Vietnam’s grid and regulatory gaps as key challenges facing offshore wind development in Vietnam. Of note, Vietnam’s Power Development Plan

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Vietnam looking to import wind power from Laos on lower prices

Vietnam is considering importing wind power from Laos because it’s cheaper, Tuoi Tre is reporting. One project in Laos is offering electricity at 7 cents per kilowatt hour whereas wind power projects in Vietnam that were online before November 1, 2021 receive 9.8 cents per kilowatt hour per a renewable

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Vietnam wind power project up for grabs in mortgagee auction

Vietnam’s Agribank is auctioning off the Phong Dien 1 wind power plant with a starting price of VND1,205 billion (US$49.6 million) after the firm behind the project Vietnam Renewable Energy Engineering (VREE) failed to meet its debt obligations , The Investor is reporting. Background: Wind power producers were offered very

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Vietnam’s Just Energy Transition Partnership released at COP28

Vietnam revealed its Just Energy transition Partnership agreement on Friday at COP28, with the bulk of the funding to be provided in the form of loans for hydropower projects, Climate Home News is reporting. The agreement is mostly made up of loans as opposed to the grants that Vietnam wanted,

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Chinese solar firm to increase Vietnam investment almost two-fold

Trina Solar, a Chinese solar panel manufacturer is to increase its investment in Vietnam by US$420 million dollars bringing its total investment in the country to US$900 million, Tuoi Tre is reporting. Of note, solar panels exported from China to the US are subject to antidumping duty (ADD) and countervailing

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JETP agreement financing mostly market-rate lows, few grants

The US$15.5 billion Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) agreement developed by the G7 and a handful of other countries to help Vietnam wean itself off coal is mostly market-rate loans that Hanoi didn’t really want and only US$300 million worth of grants, Reuters is reporting.  Why it matters: Vietnam was

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Chinese solar cell maker to build new factory in northern Vietnam

China’s Boway intends to build a 20-hectare, US$114 million solar cell factory in northern Vietnam’s Hai Duong province, The investor is reporting. This is part of a number of major investments in its manufacturing operations across northern Vietnam. All-up it reportedly has plans to invest US$350 million Hai Dunong alone.

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