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Category: Vietnam Transport & Infrastructure

Vietnam is becoming a powerhouse for business and enterprise and this has led to huge demand for transportation services. From roads to rail to ships to aeroplanes there are a multitude of ways of moving people and products around Vietnam

This section covers: aviation, shipping, and road and rail transport and associated services.

US logistics, supply chain management firm opens Vietnam office

Of note, in 2023 Vietnam’s transportation and storage sector surpassed VND 502.56 trillion or US$19.807 billion, constituting 4.92 percent of the country’s total GDP.  This could represent broad opportunities for foreign firms, however, foreign ownership limits in logistics services can be very restrictive. For example, foreign firms are prohibited from owning more than 34 percent of an airline…

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Vietnam PM pushes car registration reduction, despite legal risks

Of note, concerns were raised by the Ministry of Finance last week, that a car registration fee reduction policy that applies only to locally made vehicles could contravene the European Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and Vietnam could be at risk of being sued. This was reportedly raised by the EU as a potential problem earlier this year…

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Concerns raised Vietnam car registration fee cut could breach trade agreements

Car imports from Europe to Vietnam mostly came from France and Germany in the first half of this year and were worth a little shy of US$10 million collectively. Of note, import taxes on cars and motorcycles before the EVFTA came into force were between 32 percent and 70 percent. These will be progressively reduced to zero over the first seven to ten years of the agreement…

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Vietnam’s Vinfast delays North Carolina factory, status of tax incentives unknown

Of note, Vinfast was given a number of tax breaks and incentives by the North Carolina government to encourage its investment in the state. These amounted to a combined US$1.25 billion understanding that the firm would create 7,500 jobs and invest US$4 billion in its factory. This included US$325 million in funds provided up front for site preparation and the upgrade of infrastructure to service the plant, as well as training programs, with the rest tied to key milestones in construction and hiring. It’s not clear what will happen to these incentives in the context of the three year delay that has just been announced…

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Finland’s PYN Elite fund names embattled Vietnam Airlines stock pick of the month

The fund doesn’t really give any clear reasons for making this call but does note that the government gave the airline an extension on a US$160 million loan. It should be noted, however, that this was to avoid insolvency with the airline currently operating on negative equity. It also should have been delisted from the HoSE years ago, however, the government intervened to stop that from becoming a reality. In light of this, naming Vietnam Airlines as the stock of the month is an interesting decision to say the least…

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Singapore battery maker increases Vietnam investment by US$5.5 million

The move to expand battery production capacity aligns with increasing global demand for electric vehicles–or EVs for short. The world is witnessing an explosion of EVs, with electric car sales in 2023 six times higher than in 2018, just 5 years earlier. Furthermore, global EV sales are predicted to grow from less than 45 million in 2023 to 250 million in 2030 and reach 525 million in 2035, according to the latest research by IEA…

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New airport slated for central Vietnam’s Quang Tri starts construction

Vietnam’s airports have been a critical component in logistics  in Vietnam and subsequently in Vietnam’s economic development. They are the main entry point for most foreign investors, they facilitate millions of dollars of trade via air freight every day, and they have commanded huge amounts of public investment spurring the country’s economic growth. With this in mind, the new airport in Quang Tri should position the province well for future economic growth…

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Vietnam Airports: Foreign Investors Guide 2024

Vietnam’s airports have been a critical component in Vietnam’s economic development. They are the main entry point for most foreign investors, they facilitate millions of dollars of trade via air freight every day, and they have commanded huge amounts of public investment spurring the country’s economic growth. But Vietnam’s key airports are near, if not over capacity, and expansions are sorely needed. This, however, will take huge amounts of money as well as expertise and support. With this in mind, this guide runs through Vietnam airports, including their needs and development plans…

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Vietnam Seaports: Foreign Investors Guide 2024

Vietnam’s seaports, like Vietnam’s airports, have been a critical component to logistics in Vietnam and subsequently in Vietnam’s economic development. They are the main entry point for most foreign imports and the main exit point for most manufactured goods made in Vietnam. As such they facilitate millions of dollars of…

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Vietnam Airlines pursuing loan payment deferral from National Assembly

Whereas there may be an argument to be made for supporting the national carrier in events outside of its control, in the current circumstances there should be some pause for thought. That said, the airline is a huge operation with lots of moving parts, lots of ancillary businesses that rely on its continued operation, and lots of employees that rely on the airline for their paycheck–it’s unlikely the National Assembly will deny the airlines’ request…

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Vietnam consumers hold off on buying new cars waiting for cut in registration fees

For some context, registration fees can vary between provinces, however, the highest it can be, per Circular 229, is VND 20 million or about US$786. With a 50 percent discount that’s VND 10 million or about US$393. With a new car running at around VND 300 million to VND 500 million this reduction in registration fees is a drop in the bucket. In this context, one reading of this might be that correlation does not necessarily mean causation. It could also be, however, that the love for a good discount in Vietnam is not always entirely rational…

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Porsche + Singapore EV charging solution provider to build charging network in Vietnam

Notably, Vietnam’s EV charging network is mostly owned by VinFast, a subsidiary of Vietnamese conglomerate Vingroup. The firm has already developed more than 150,000 EV charging ports nationwide but currently restricts access exclusively to its own EV users. The participation of Charge+ in expanding the charging network for other electric vehicle brands in Vietnam could help reduce difficulties for Chinese EV producers entering the Vietnamese market…

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Vietnam’s Pacific Airlines returns to the sky, sheds budget carrier image

Of note, aside from keeping Pacific Airlines’ aviation licence, which requires the airline to have aircraft, it’s not clear why Vietnam Airlines is keeping Pacific Airlines alive. As a budget carrier it made some sense as competition to Vietnam’s biggest budget carrier Vietjet. These recently announced upgrades to Pacific Airlines, however, look to put the carrier in the mid-range segment which would make it direct competition with its parent company…

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Logistics in Vietnam: Ultimate Guide (2024)

Logistics in Vietnam are becoming more and more important to Vietnam’s economy. This is in line with booming international trade, the result of a myriad of free trade agreements combined with an abundance of low-cost labour, and generous tax incentives. In fact, last year Vietnam recorded nearly US$700 billion in

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Japan’s Toyota to focus on hybrids over electric vehicles in Vietnam market

Of note, Vietnam’s EV charging network is mostly owned by VinFast, a subsidiary of Vietnamese conglomerate Vingroup. The company claims to have more than 150,000 EV charging ports nationwide, however, these facilities are currently exclusively for Vinfast’s EV users. Vinfast has said that, after 10 years, the network will be opened up to other brands, however, this is years away and it’s not clear what electric car buyers of other brands will do until then…

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China’s Chery to assemble electric vehicles in Vietnam

Vietnam’s electric vehicle market holds promise for foreign car manufacturers. Of note, electric car buyers are eligible for incentives such as exemption from registration fees for the first three years and a 50 percent fee reduction for the subsequent two years, per Decree 10/2022/NĐ-CP.  Nevertheless, foreign car manufacturing firms may encounter challenges related to EV charging infrastructure and electricity supply shortages in Vietnam. These hurdles could potentially hamper manufacturers in expanding their market presence and sales…

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New Vietnam–Manila direct flights highlight growing south-south integration

This is welcome news for tourism in both countries. Of note, in the first five months of this year, Vietnam welcomed 85,936 tourists from the Philippines, an increase of 54.1 percent over the same period last year. This is in line with growing interregional travel which is visa free for members of ASEAN states. Filipino citizens, for example, can enter Vietnam visa free for up to three weeks. This latest announcement could signal a significant boost to these numbers…

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Due date for made in Vietnam car excise tax payments pushed back to November

Special Consumption Tax is paid by the consumer at the point of purchase of the vehicle to the dealership who then holds on to those funds to pass on to the Tax Department when they fall due. By delaying these payments, this policy acts like a short term loan to these operations. This has been a popular means of supporting local enterprises over the past few years as the car market has struggled through a broader economic downturn…

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