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Category: Vietnam Tax News

Vietnam’s tax law doesn’t change a lot, however, fiscal policy does. This section monitors Vietnam tax news for changes to fiscal policy, tax breaks and incentives, and draft tax laws and regulations.

Vietnamese to consume additional 2.56 million litres of soft drink by 2033

Of note, Vietnam is currently debating adding soft drinks to the list of items subject to the Special Consumption Tax. In the most recent version of a revised SCT, the Ministry of Finance has included a ten percent tax on drinks with 5 grams or more of sugar per 100 millilitres. This legislation, however, is still in its draft stage…

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‘Limited investment support’ in Vietnam sees big name FDI go elsewhere: MPI

This stems from the introduction of the Global Minimum Tax which has seen corporate tax incentives significantly diminished for firms operating in Vietnam. An alternative ‘investment support fund’ has been proposed, however, this is yet to be legislated. A December 2023 draft included financial support for training and reimbursements for research and development conducted in Vietnam…

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Vietnam Value Added Tax cut extended to end of the year

The VAT is normally 10 percent, however, it was reduced during COVID as an economic stimulus measure to 8 percent. But Vietnam’s economic recovery was in large part thwarted, much like in many other countries, by the Ukraine War and the rising fuel prices that came with it. This has led to extensions of the aforementioned VAT cut for the better part of the last four years…

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Vietnam floats corporate income tax cuts for small-micro businesses

Of note, the draft amendments to the Law on Corporate Income Tax do not seem to make  a distinction between local and foreign firms. That being the case, foreign-owned small businesses–cafes, bars, gyms, and what not–could also benefit from these changes if passed. That said, there does not seem to be a timeline for a decision as to whether these changes will  be approved and go ahead…

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Vietnam looking at introducing sugar tax on soft drinks

Dubbed the ‘sugar tax’ this has been raised several times in the past. The American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam came out against the idea back in 2018 arguing there was no evidence legislating a sugar tax would reduce consumption of sugary drinks. That said, a study on a similar tax in Mexico found that the consumption of sugary beverages fell 6 percent in its first year of implementation…

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Vietnam ministry looks to end VAT, import tax exemption on e-commerce imports

Low-value Chinese-made goods are all over Vietnam’s major e-commerce sites and can be exported from China and arrive in Vietnam very quickly and easily given the two countries are so close. This proximity also means that shipping is relatively cheap too, and in this respect it does seem that the only real difference is that goods from China, with this VAT exemption in mind, are cheaper…

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Tax in Vietnam 2024: Quick Read

There are a number of taxes that foreign business owners in Vietnam should be aware of. Most prominent among them are Vietnam’s Personal Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Value Added Tax, and Special Consumption Tax. A basic understanding of these taxes can make dealing with local accountants and tax professionals much easier.

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Value Added Tax in Vietnam 2024: Quick Read

There are a number of taxes that foreign business owners in Vietnam should be aware of. One of these taxes is Vietnam’s value-added tax which is particularly important for foreign retail businesses. With this in mind, this article runs through what this tax is, what it applies to, and the key elements that apply to foreign business persons.

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Corporate Income Tax in Vietnam 2024: Quick Read

There are a number of taxes that foreign business owners in Vietnam should be aware of. One of these taxes is Vietnam’s corporate income tax which is particularly important for foreign firms looking to manufacture in Vietnam. With this in mind, this article runs through what this tax is, what it applies, and the key elements that apply to foreign business persons.

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Personal Income Tax in Vietnam 2024: Quick Read

There are a number of taxes that foreign business owners in Vietnam should be aware of. One of these taxes is Vietnam’s personal income tax which is particularly important for foreign businesses with local employees. With this in mind, this article runs through what this tax is, what it applies, and the key elements that apply to foreign business persons.

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Vietnam Special Consumption Tax 2024: Quick Read

There are a number of taxes that foreign business owners in Vietnam should be aware of. One of these taxes is Vietnam’s special consumption tax which is particularly important for foreign proprietors of businesses like bars and nightclubs, hotels, and retail businesses broadly. With this in mind, this article runs through what this tax is, what it applies, and the key elements that apply to foreign business persons.

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Global Minimum Tax ‘not a risk’ for Vietnam FDI: Economist

VinaCapital has released an Economist’s Note Looking Ahead at 2024, in which the firm’s Chief Economist, Michael Kokalari, says the introduction of the global minimum tax should have limited impact on Vietnam’s FDI inflows.  His key points are Vietnam will find away to work around it and rebate some of

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Vietnam issues draft decree re: global minimum tax support fund

Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment has released a draft decree outlining the establishment of a support fund to compensate foreign firms subjected to the Global Minimum Tax initiative, The Investor is reporting. Key points The fund will support businesses making high-tech goods or applying advanced technology in their operations

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Vietnam’s value-added tax reduction extended

A 2 percent reduction in Vietnam’s value-added tax has been extended to June next year, VTV is reporting. The stimulus measure first introduced during COVID has been extended multiple times as Vietnam’s economy first struggled to recover from the pandemic and is now battling a greater global economic downturn.

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