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Category: Vietnam Food and Beverage News

Vietnam food and beverage news covers the latest developments in one of the country’s most rapidly growing industries. Vietnamese love to eat and drink and with this in mind, this section tracks Vietnam food and beverage news including key regulations, data points, and developments.

Vietnamese to consume additional 2.56 million litres of soft drink by 2033

Of note, Vietnam is currently debating adding soft drinks to the list of items subject to the Special Consumption Tax. In the most recent version of a revised SCT, the Ministry of Finance has included a ten percent tax on drinks with 5 grams or more of sugar per 100 millilitres. This legislation, however, is still in its draft stage…

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Vietnam’s beer market to nearly double by 2032: Astute Analytica

These estimates come just weeks after the closure of the Heineken plant in Quang Nam, in central Vietnam which was big news with the provincial government set to lose out on VND 500 billion–or about US$19.8 million–in tax revenue each year. That is not to mention that a number of jobs will also likely be lost…

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What’s Happened to Vietnam’s Beer Market? Unpacked 2024

The closure of the Heineken plant in Quang Nam, in central Vietnam, announced a week or two ago, has been big news. This is off the back of slow growth in beer sales post-pandemic and in line with falling revenues among a number of Vietnam’s major beer brewers. This has been blamed on broader economic challenges and harsher drink driving penalties, however, it is all a little more nuanced than that…

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Heineken to halt making beer at central Vietnam factory on declining sales

This is on the back of declining sales that the firm is attributing to broader economic challenges but also Decree 100 which reduced the allowed blood alcohol content when driving in Vietnam to zero. Decree 100 has repeatedly fallen into the cross-hairs of local alcohol producers, distributors, and retailers in Vietnam over the last year or so…

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Korean Soju to be made in Vietnam from 2026

HiteJinro Group will join a slew of other well-known beverage makers with factories in Vietnam including Heineken, Coca-Cola, and Pepsi. These firms stand to benefit from not only a rapidly growing consumer market in Vietnam but also a number of benefits that come with manufacturing in Vietnam including low-cost labour and tax incentives…

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Vietnam looking at introducing sugar tax on soft drinks

Dubbed the ‘sugar tax’ this has been raised several times in the past. The American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam came out against the idea back in 2018 arguing there was no evidence legislating a sugar tax would reduce consumption of sugary drinks. That said, a study on a similar tax in Mexico found that the consumption of sugary beverages fell 6 percent in its first year of implementation…

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Vietnam ministry proposes 100 percent special consumption tax on alcohol

Of note, major beer makers in Vietnam, including the makers of the popular Beer Saigon and Beer Hanoi brands reported falling profits in 2023. A crackdown on drink-driving has partially been blamed alongside the pending increase in taxes on alcoholic beverages–though nothing has been confirmed and its not clear how a future tax increase might have influenced last years sales.

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Several Starbucks have gone cashless in Vietnam

In terms of reducing the security risks associated with handling cash, this move by these Starbucks stores makes sense. As far as speed and convenience go, however, it’s not clear that this has been achieved. Of note, QR code transfers can sometimes take some time with multiple steps involved–logging to a bank account, scanning the code, approving the purchase etcetera.

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UK Pork approved for export to Vietnam

Of note, back in March it was reported that the a submission had been made by Vietnamese meat producers to the Government of Vietnam requesting additional technical barriers on imported meats. This was necessary, they argued, to level the playing field with other meat producing countries.

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Vietnam meat producers request government intervention in meat imports

The Vietnam Livestock Association and the Animal Feed, Large Livestock and Poultry Breeding associations have made a submission to the Government of Vietnam requesting additional technical barriers on imported meats, Tuoi Tre is reporting. The associations are essentially arguing that Vietnam’s technical requirements for meat imports are lax relative to

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Vietnam Beer: What You Need To Know in 2024

Vietnamese are among the biggest beer drinkers in Southeast Asia. In fact, by consumption, international beverage and hospitality firm, Kirin Holdings, found that Vietnam had the seventh highest beer consumption in the world after Germany but, notably, before the United Kingdom which was in position eight. This preference for beer,

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Rising coffee prices see farmers refuse to fulfil orders: Reuters

Vietnam’s coffee farmers are refusing to fill orders looking to renegotiate their contracts in light of higher than expected coffee prices, Reuters is reporting. The publication goes on to say that what started as a local problem is now starting to impact the global coffee market. Incidentally, The Investor carried

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Calls for reform in Vietnam coffee industry as supplies dwindle

In an opinion piece in The Investor Phan Minh Thong, general director of Phuc Sinh Group, a local coffee exporter, argues that there needs to be greater fairness in Vietnam’s coffee industry. In particular, he suggests agreements with international buyers are often weighted to the advantage of the buyer but

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Vietnamese Coffee Brands: Quick Guide 2024

Coffee culture is a big part of life in Vietnam. From the streets of Hanoi to the mountains of Da Lat, casual conversation over coffee with friends has become a national pastime.  Vietnam has also developed its own unique ways of drinking coffee. From coconut coffee to egg coffee, to

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Vietnamese coffee reaches highest price ever

Coffee prices in Vietnam hit 72,500 (US$$2.87) per kilo today the highest price ever, VN Express is reporting. The publication credits this to concerns about supply shortages due ships avoiding the Suez Canal due to conflict in the Red Sea and instead going around Africa. Vietnam coffee prices, Dak Lak,

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Nestle to double processing capacity at southern Vietnam plant

Nestle intends to drop an additional US$100 million on its plant in Vietnam’s Tri An province to double its processing capacity, Vietnam News is reporting. The factory currently processes Vietnamese coffee for export to 29 countries. Notably Nestle is the biggest buyer of coffee in Vietnam, buying up around US$700

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Bloomberg outlines challenges facing Vietnam’s coffee farmers

Up to half of Vietnam’s current coffee farming land may be unusable in 50 years according to Philipp Navratil, global head of Nestle’s coffee strategic business unit, and quoted by Bloomberg. Local farmers are reportedly pulling out coffee plants in favour of more weather resistant crops like avocado and durian. 

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