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Category: Vietnam Electricity News

Vietnam electricity news has become incredibly important to monitor as blackouts riddled the northern Vietnam summer in 2023. This section monitors the electricity news tracking regulations, supply challenges, and developments in the electricity industry in Vietnam broadly.

Vietnam state power provider reports first half loss of US$513 million

Of note, retail electricity prices in Vietnam are regulated and, though permitted, price rises are not all that common. This has led to EVN selling electricity below cost price. As of January, it was losing about VND 142.5 per kilowatt-hour sold. This has been ongoing for some time and has led to EVN accumulating the huge aforementioned losses. The issue here seems to be a reluctance to raise electricity prices rather than an inability to do so…

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Vietnam’s New Direct Power Purchases Decree: Unpacked

Last week, Vietnam issued Decree 80 creating a mechanism by which private enterprises and power generators can enter into direct power purchase agreements or DPPAs. Exactly how impactful this decree might be, however, is difficult to determine at this early stage with a lot of moving parts and a number of obstacles to be overcome. This article breaks down and puts into context the key components of this new piece of legislation.

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Vietnam considering 2.6 cent feed-in-tariff for excess rooftop solar

Notably, in 2017, to encourage renewable energy, the government implemented a mechanism to buy excess rooftop solar power at a preferential feed-in tariff price of 9.35 cents per kilowatt hour. This policy led to a significant increase in investments in rooftop solar power systems and subsequently ended in late 2020 due to concerns about uncontrolled growth of rooftop solar power sources. This rapid expansion caused challenges in managing the national power grid and since the beginning of 2021, the signing of rooftop solar power purchase and sale contracts has been paused…

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Vietnam state power provider records 2023 loss of more than US$1 billion

Of note, retail electricity prices in Vietnam are regulated and, though permitted, price rises are not all that common. This has led to EVN selling electricity below cost price. As of January, it was losing about VND 142.5 per kilowatt-hour sold. This has been ongoing for some time and has led to EVN accumulating the huge aforementioned losses. The issue here seems to be a reluctance to raise electricity prices rather than an inability to do so…

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Vietnam issues a decree on direct power purchase agreements

Vietnam has issued a decree on Direct Power Purchase Agreements–or DPPAs– clearing the way for businesses to buy power directly from power generators. The decree has been a long time coming and has been touted as a critical component to developing Vietnam’s electricity network. Per the decree, high volume power

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Nuclear Power in Vietnam: Unpacked 2024

During a state visit by the president of Russia to Vietnam last week, Vietnam’s Prime Minister told the Russians that Vietnam would consider nuclear energy as a means of meeting the net-zero 2050 commitment it made at COP26. Indeed, Vietnam needs more low-emissions electricity, but is nuclear power really a plausible solution?

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Electricity Vietnam reps meet Samsung leaders amid power supply concerns

The government has gone to great lengths to assure foreign investors that the supply will be adequate this year, however, moves to eek out support from foreign investors in reducing their power consumption seems to suggest otherwise–Just weeks ago, it was reported that Apple supplier Foxconn had been asked to curtail its power usages by 30 percent in anticipation of power shortages…

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Vietnam to consider nuclear power to meet net-zero commitments

Nuclear power in Vietnam has been floated before. In 2006, the government announce plans to have a nuclear power plant online by 2020 and this was followed a few years later by official plans for nuclear power plants in southern Vietnam in Ninh Thuan and Khanh Hoa provinces. These were, however, shelved in 2016 in favour of gas and coal on the back of lower demand projections…

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Vietnam reservoir flood release indicative of reduced hydro, more coal power strategy?

This is interesting in that hydropower has been underutilised this year compared to last. Just 15 percent of Vietnam’s power came from hydro from January to April of this year, compared to 25 percent for the same period last year. At the same time it has been reported that about 64.6 percent of Vietnam’s electricity came from burning coal in April, whereas in 2023, on average, coal was responsible for just 46 percent of Vietnam’s electricity supply.

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Vietnam’s zero-VND feed-in-tariffs plan for rooftop solar dumped

The plan was issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and was designed to tackle the issue of over production that surfaced in Central Vietnam several years ago. Said over production, however, was more the result of projects being approved outside of the plans and policies that were in place for solar power development. Specifically, the Government Inspectorate found that the Power Development Plan 7 had set out to see 850 MW of solar power by 2020, however, a total of 168 solar projects with a total capacity of 14,707 MW were approved in that time…

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Vietnam coal emissions jump on reduced hydropower supply

Vietnam committed to being net-zero by 2050 at the 26th Conference of Parties, however, there have been a number of roadblocks. A Just Energy Transition Partnership agreement, for example, signed back in 2022, was touted as the foundation for a move to greener power generation. Leaked British diplomatic cables, however, suggest there is little confidence among the JETP partners…

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Vietnam sets price bracket for LNG power negotiations

In Vietnam, for power projects, the MoIT typically sets a maximum and minimum price within which EVN then negotiates with individual power producers. It’s not clear what the purpose of these price brackets is and announcing the maximum price EVN can pay in advance seems counterintuitive to the negotiation process. Regardless this is the process through which most power project prices are determined…

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Unpaid taxes blamed on late payment from Electricity Vietnam

EVN was selling electricity at a loss for most of last year and 2022 and the start of this year too. This saw the state-owned enterprise accumulate losses of over US$1.5 billion. It has never been made clear how these losses have been covered but, in light of these claims, it could very well be that power producers may be footing the bill.

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Apple supplier Foxconn has been asked to reduce its power use in Vietnam

Promoting power conservation is not a new concept. This happens just about everywhere in the world. That said, what should be concerning is the volume of power Foxconn is being asked to cut. Whereas a firm might be able to save a few kilowatts here or there, it would be very unusual for a firm to be operating with an inefficiency in their power use of 30 percent.

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Electricity in Vietnam: Foreign Investor Cheat Sheet 2024

When it comes to electricity in Vietnam, whether a company is using it or producing it, there are a lot of nuances that foreign investors should be aware of. This cheat sheet runs through a brief overview of how the industry and the market operate. Who manages Vietnam’s electricity supply?

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Updated power pricing regulations in Vietnam officially kick-in today

Of note, in 2022 EVN reported a loss of US$1.5 billion with rises in fuel costs vastly outstripping the electricity retail price which is regulated. That said, Decision 24 issued back in 2017, the precursor to Decision 5, already had provisions for the electricity price to be adjusted annually, however, between 2019 and November 2023 no adjustment was made. It’s not clear why and in this context the frequency at which power prices are reviewed may not have been the crux of the problem.

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