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Category: Tourism

Vietnam records 8.8 million tourist arrivals to June [data set]

Vietnam’s tourism arrivals reached 8.8 million between January and June of this year an increase of 58.4 percent over the same period in 2023. That said, month on month June saw a decline in tourist numbers of about 9 percent.  This is notable in that June is the peak summer travel period for the northern hemisphere…

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New Vietnam–Manila direct flights highlight growing south-south integration

This is welcome news for tourism in both countries. Of note, in the first five months of this year, Vietnam welcomed 85,936 tourists from the Philippines, an increase of 54.1 percent over the same period last year. This is in line with growing interregional travel which is visa free for members of ASEAN states. Filipino citizens, for example, can enter Vietnam visa free for up to three weeks. This latest announcement could signal a significant boost to these numbers…

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Vietnam National Tourism Administration disputes WEF tourism rankings

The administration claims that the ‘socio-economic impact of tourism’ indicator, which placed Vietnam 115th, contradicts the findings of Vietnam’s General Office of Statistics, however, in the WEF report this indicator is grouped under sustainability and looks at job quality, wages, and gender parity. By comparison, the GSO tends to focus on the number of tourists and how much money they spend. This is not really comparing apples with apples.

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How to Open a Hotel in Vietnam: Ultimate Guide 2024

This article is sponsored by: your business here (learn more) Vietnamese love taking holidays and as incomes have risen in recent years they have taken to travelling more and more. Furthermore, Vietnam has become a popular travel destination for travellers from outside of the country–in 2019, it welcomed some 19

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Expansion of Vietnam’s tourist visa options under discussion

Vietnam’s Prime Minister has proposed visa waivers for foreign nationals from developed countries of between six to 12 months, VN Express is reporting. If enacted this would signify a huge shift in visa policy for one of Southeast Asia’s fast growing economies. A little background–Vietnam revised its immigration laws in

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Tourism: Vietnam’s Ha Long Bay makes Fodor’s ‘No List’

Vietnam’s World Heritage listed Ha Long Bay has made Fodor’s ‘no list’, a compilation of tourist destinations travellers should avoid, the Express is reporting. Reasons for making the ‘no list’ include overcrowding, polluted waterways, and rubbish often found floating in the bay. Note that Vietnam is currently putting a lot

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