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Day: June 30, 2024

Vietnam statistics office finds second quarter GDP growth at 6.93 percent

The GSO estimates that the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector grew by 3.34 percent, the industrial and construction sector grew by 8.29 percent, and the service sector grew by 7.06 percent. This is broadly reflected in Vietnam’s top ten individual-item exports in the first five months of this year which registered an average growth rate of 14.9 percent compared to 2023…

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Vietnam Value Added Tax cut extended to end of the year

The VAT is normally 10 percent, however, it was reduced during COVID as an economic stimulus measure to 8 percent. But Vietnam’s economic recovery was in large part thwarted, much like in many other countries, by the Ukraine War and the rising fuel prices that came with it. This has led to extensions of the aforementioned VAT cut for the better part of the last four years…

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Singapore firm adds 196 MW to Vietnam renewable energy to portfolio

Of note, Vietnam ranked second in attracting FDI in renewable energy among developing economies from 2015 to 2022, according to the UN Trade and Development World Investment Report 2023. Key foreign investors in renewables in Vietnam are GE Renewable Energy, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, and Enterprize Energy…

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Vietnam property market reform laws’ start date moved up to August 1

Whereas some elements of these laws were already in force, the bulk of the reforms contained therein were not due to kick-in until January 2025. These laws, however, have been slated as a cornerstone of the recovery of Vietnam’s real estate industry which, although showing some signs of improvement, is still floundering. Among the reforms are changes that should open up the local real estate market for Vietnamese living abroad as well as a simplified dispute resolution process…

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