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Day: May 21, 2024

US agricultural exports scouting boost through trade mission to Vietnam

That said, imports of agricultural products into Vietnam have, of late, ruffled the feathers of local agricultural producers. In March, for example, the Vietnam Livestock Association and the Animal Feed, Large Livestock and Poultry Breeding Associations requested that the Government of Vietnam apply additional technical barriers on imported meats.

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Vietnam bank-lending growth far from target at 1.6 percent

Whereas in the past credit growth for individual lenders has been set at the start of the year and increased as needed–but ensuring overall credit growth doesn’t go over a set limit–this year all stops have been pulled out. The State Bank has set the limit–although it’s more of a target at this point–at 15 percent overall but said banks are free to lend as they please with no institution-specific caps.

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Vietnam real estate news outlet fined, licensed revoked for misquoting sources

In Vietnam, the Law on Press distinguishes between different kinds of media outlets with varying degrees of newsgathering permitted and subsequently government control. CafeLand looks to have been licenced as an ‘electronic magazine’ which is, more-or-less, a trade publication. It had, however, per the assessment of the Department of Information and Communications of Ho Chi Minh City, extended its operations beyond its remit, becoming more like a news outlet and engaging in more extensive newsgathering.

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