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Category: Media

English News in Vietnam: A Quick Guide 2024

Vietnam has a broad number of English-language news agencies and publications. There are, however, limitations on what can and cannot be reported in Vietnam with one of the strictest media censorship regimes in the world.  That said, with few alternative sources of Vietnamese news media, this guide outlines the key

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TikTok investigation update reveals only four of nine conditions met

The results of an inspection into TikTok earlier this year by Vietnam’s Ministry of Communications (MIC) listed nine points that the company needed to address in order to be compliant with Vietnamese regulations but it has only complied with four so far, Saigon News is reporting.  Those four are: strengthening

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Zing News is back online rebranded as Z News

Popular news website Zing News is back online but has been rebranded Z News. The publication was forced to suspend operations for three months after it ran afoul of Vietnam’s censors. Specific details as to what it did wrong were not made public, however, there was some speculation that it

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Wolfoo-Peppa Pig intellectual property infringement saga continues

The Vietnamese makers of the kids’ cartoon Wolfoo, Sconnect, which is being sued by the makers of Peppa Pig, eOne, for allegedly infringing its intellectual property rights, has complained to the Vietnamese authorities that additions to the lawsuit are outside of the scope of the lawsuit, Vietnam Net is reporting.

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Thailand and Vietnam intend to work together to combat ‘fake news’

Thailand and Vietnam, have announced they intend to work together to tackle the challenges posed by ‘fake news’, Vietnamese state-owned media is reporting. At a working committee on the sidelines of Conference of the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information (AMRI) the two countries, ranked 106 and 178, respectively, on the

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Social media blamed for decrease in newspaper revenue in Vietnam

Domestic media outlets are receiving only about half of the US$4 billion in revenue Vietnam’s media market makes and it’s because of competition from cross-border digital service providers, like social media, according to the Press Department and reported in Doanh Nhan Saigon. This is prpobably true in that social media

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Vietnam News Media Regulations 2024: An Overview

Vietnam is currently ranked 178 out of 180 countries on the Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index. Coming in at 179 and 180 are China and North Korea, respectively. Indeed, Vietnam’s news media is tightly controlled and influence over what makes it into the public domain is often wielded

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