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Category: Cheat Sheets

Vietnam Airports: Foreign Investors Guide 2024

Vietnam’s airports have been a critical component in Vietnam’s economic development. They are the main entry point for most foreign investors, they facilitate millions of dollars of trade via air freight every day, and they have commanded huge amounts of public investment spurring the country’s economic growth. But Vietnam’s key airports are near, if not over capacity, and expansions are sorely needed. This, however, will take huge amounts of money as well as expertise and support. With this in mind, this guide runs through Vietnam airports, including their needs and development plans…

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Vietnam Seaports: Foreign Investors Guide 2024

Vietnam’s seaports, like Vietnam’s airports, have been a critical component to logistics in Vietnam and subsequently in Vietnam’s economic development. They are the main entry point for most foreign imports and the main exit point for most manufactured goods made in Vietnam. As such they facilitate millions of dollars of…

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Minimum Wage in Vietnam 2024: Your Questions Answered

Vietnam’s minimum wage is an attractive drawcard for businesses in a broad range of industries. Among the lowest in Southeast Asia, foreign firms may be able to realise real value by making the most of this low-cost labour. That said, the minimum wage should not be conflated with the average

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Logistics in Vietnam: Ultimate Guide (2024)

Logistics in Vietnam are becoming more and more important to Vietnam’s economy. This is in line with booming international trade, the result of a myriad of free trade agreements combined with an abundance of low-cost labour, and generous tax incentives. In fact, last year Vietnam recorded nearly US$700 billion in

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Gambling in Vietnam: Foreign Investor Quick Read 2024

Gambling in Vietnam is illegal but that doesn’t stop a sizable amount of betting occurring. This tends to peak around major sporting events. Recognising that this might be a problem, or perhaps that Vietnam is missing out on millions of dollars worth of tax revenue, there have been recent moves to try to legalise the practice. In this light, this cheat sheet runs through how gambling works in Vietnam, who can gamble, and the key regulations governing gambling that is already permitted…

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Vietnam’s Labour Law for Foreign Firms in 2024: Quick Read

The most recent iteration of Vietnam’s Labour Law, the Labour Code 2019, contains details on hiring and firing, employee leave entitlements, and regulates working hours and overtime. The Labour Code, however, is quite dense and can be quite nuanced. In light of this, this Quick Read runs through the most important parts and should hopefully provide the key details foreign firms, that are looking to establish a business in Vietnam, might need…

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Vietnam Visas for Doing Business in Vietnam: Quick Read 2024

Visas in Vietnam are codified in the Law on Entry, Exit, Transit, and Residence of Foreigners in Vietnam. This law can be very nuanced and it is not unusual for interpretations of the law to differ between provincial immigration departments. That said, this Quick Read runs through the basics a foreign firm or individual would need to know in most normal circumstances including the types of visa, the length of stay, and how to apply for a visa in Vietnam.

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Vietnam’s Automotive Industry 2024: Foreign Investor Cheat Sheet

Vietnam’s automotive industry has come a long way as middle-class incomes have grown facilitating a shift from motorcycles to cars. However, the automotive industry in Vietnam can be complex, governed by a patchwork of local regulations and free trade agreements. In light of this, this cheat sheet provides a brief overview of Vietnam’s automotive industry touching on the key points foreign firms should be aware of.

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Public Holidays in Vietnam 2024: Cheat Sheet

Like most countries in the world, Vietnam has a number of public holidays. These are codified in the Labour Code 2019 under Chapter 7, Section 2, Article 112.  This cheat sheet provides an overview of Vietnam’s public holidays including their length and the dates they fall on in 2024. For details regarding overtime rates and other leave entitlements that may apply on these public holidays see Vietnam’s Labour Code for Foreign Firms in 2024.

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Corruption in Vietnam: Cheat Sheet 2024

Perceptions of corruption in Vietnam have improved but it is still endemic and a big part of doing business in Vietnam. With this in mind, this cheat sheet runs through the basics of corruption in Vietnam that foreign firms looking to enter the market should know…

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Tax in Vietnam 2024: Quick Read

There are a number of taxes that foreign business owners in Vietnam should be aware of. Most prominent among them are Vietnam’s Personal Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Value Added Tax, and Special Consumption Tax. A basic understanding of these taxes can make dealing with local accountants and tax professionals much easier.

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Value Added Tax in Vietnam 2024: Quick Read

There are a number of taxes that foreign business owners in Vietnam should be aware of. One of these taxes is Vietnam’s value-added tax which is particularly important for foreign retail businesses. With this in mind, this article runs through what this tax is, what it applies to, and the key elements that apply to foreign business persons.

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Corporate Income Tax in Vietnam 2024: Quick Read

There are a number of taxes that foreign business owners in Vietnam should be aware of. One of these taxes is Vietnam’s corporate income tax which is particularly important for foreign firms looking to manufacture in Vietnam. With this in mind, this article runs through what this tax is, what it applies, and the key elements that apply to foreign business persons.

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Personal Income Tax in Vietnam 2024: Quick Read

There are a number of taxes that foreign business owners in Vietnam should be aware of. One of these taxes is Vietnam’s personal income tax which is particularly important for foreign businesses with local employees. With this in mind, this article runs through what this tax is, what it applies, and the key elements that apply to foreign business persons.

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Vietnam Special Consumption Tax 2024: Quick Read

There are a number of taxes that foreign business owners in Vietnam should be aware of. One of these taxes is Vietnam’s special consumption tax which is particularly important for foreign proprietors of businesses like bars and nightclubs, hotels, and retail businesses broadly. With this in mind, this article runs through what this tax is, what it applies, and the key elements that apply to foreign business persons.

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Vietnam’s Law on Land 2024: Foreign Investor Cheat Sheet

Last year, a revised Law on Land passed Vietnam’s National Assembly. This revised law has the potential to have a huge impact on Vietnam’s land market and could speed up foreign-invested projects considerably. With this in mind, this cheat sheet runs through the key changes in the new Law on Land and how this might impact foreign firms doing business in Vietnam.

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Video Games in Vietnam: Cheat Sheet 2024

Video games in Vietnam are very popular to both play and produce. In fact, one of Vietnam’s biggest companies, VNG, draws most of its revenue from Vietnam’s video game sector. Furthermore, as internet and smartphone penetration continue to grow mobile games in particular continue to pull in millions of dollars

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Electricity in Vietnam: Foreign Investor Cheat Sheet 2024

When it comes to electricity in Vietnam, whether a company is using it or producing it, there are a lot of nuances that foreign investors should be aware of. This cheat sheet runs through a brief overview of how the industry and the market operate. Who manages Vietnam’s electricity supply?

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English News in Vietnam: A Quick Guide 2024

Vietnam has a broad number of English-language news agencies and publications. There are, however, limitations on what can and cannot be reported in Vietnam with one of the strictest media censorship regimes in the world.  That said, with few alternative sources of Vietnamese news media, this guide outlines the key

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