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cheat sheets


Day: June 2, 2024

Public Holidays in Vietnam 2024: Cheat Sheet

Like most countries in the world, Vietnam has a number of public holidays. These are codified in the Labour Code 2019 under Chapter 7, Section 2, Article 112.  This cheat sheet provides an overview of Vietnam’s public holidays including their length and the dates they fall on in 2024. For details regarding overtime rates and other leave entitlements that may apply on these public holidays see Vietnam’s Labour Code for Foreign Firms in 2024.

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Video game platform Steam confirmed blocked in Vietnam

There has been some speculation over the last few weeks that blocking Steam in Vietnam may have been blocked at the request of local game developers to protect the local industry. Whereas these comments from Le do not necessarily rule that out, he does claim that attempts were made to contact the company but received no response–ergo, this might just be a shot across the bow to get Steam’s attention.

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Amnesty proposed for corrupt officials in Vietnam

This proposal comes amidst the ‘blazing furnace’ corruption crackdown, which has been blamed for a slowdown in project approvals. Officials, fearful of becoming subjects of corruption investigations, have often opted to avoid approving projects, leading to bottlenecks in a number of projects.

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