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Day: May 20, 2024

Ground broken on second terminal at airport in Vietnam capital

For context, at the end of last year, the President of Vietnam Airlines noted that overcrowding at Vietnam’s airports was costing the national carrier US$20 million a year. Indeed, overcrowding has become a huge problem–Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City was built for 28 million visitors a year but welcomed 34 million arrivals in 2022. Similarly, Hanoi’s Noi Bai International Airport was built for 25 million visitors a year but was expected to finish 2023 with 30 million arrivals.

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Chinese EV makers looking to expand in Vietnam

One of the side effects of all of the attention Vietnam’s Vinfast has received is that it has exponentially raised awareness of electric vehicles among Vietnamese consumers. Furthermore, there is a lot of status that goes along with owning a car in Vietnam. That said, Vietnam’s GDP per capita is still only around US$4,000 which makes owning a car of any kind challenging for most Vietnamese. In this context, smaller, cheaper Chinese EVs could find a welcome home south of the border.

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Alibaba to build a data centre in Vietnam

Vietnam’s data localisation laws have been a point of contention with cross-border service providers concerned about the security of their data stored in Vietnam. These regulations also contravene some trade agreements like the Comprehensive and Progressive Transpacific Partnership Agreement which prohibits member states from requiring firms to store data locally.

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Video Games in Vietnam: Cheat Sheet 2024

Video games in Vietnam are very popular to both play and produce. In fact, one of Vietnam’s biggest companies, VNG, draws most of its revenue from Vietnam’s video game sector. Furthermore, as internet and smartphone penetration continue to grow mobile games in particular continue to pull in millions of dollars

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