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Day: April 23, 2024

Vietnam coal power profits surge, but renewables, gas struggle

Coal power plants in Vietnam are reporting bumper profit increases of up to 1,424 percent on the back of poor weather conditions dampening hydropower outputs, Tuoi Tre is reporting. It also states that gas power projects have also not fared well, saying this was due to reduced outputs and lower

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Offshore wind in Vietnam unlikely before 2028

The Investor is covering the Global Wind Energy Council’s Global Wind Report 2024, which says Vietnam will not have offshore wind power before 2028. The report cites the underdevelopment of Vietnam’s grid and regulatory gaps as key challenges facing offshore wind development in Vietnam. Of note, Vietnam’s Power Development Plan

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No one wants the State Bank of Vietnam’s gold

In an odd turn of events, a gold auction slated for yesterday was cancelled due to a lack of interest and a second, today, had just two bidders that bought a collective 3,400 taels of gold of the 16,400 on offer, VN Express is reporting. This is after gold auctions

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Insolvency in Vietnam 2024: Unpacked

In March of last year, faced with mounting losses and limited revenue, APAX English, a chain of English centres that were once all over Vietnam, took to offering its creditors household appliances in lieu of cash to cover its outstanding debts. This was after years of delayed or entirely missed

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