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Day: June 24, 2024

Logistics in Vietnam: Ultimate Guide (2024)

Logistics in Vietnam are becoming more and more important to Vietnam’s economy. This is in line with booming international trade, the result of a myriad of free trade agreements combined with an abundance of low-cost labour, and generous tax incentives. In fact, last year Vietnam recorded nearly US$700 billion in

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Vietnam’s sees bank deposits for individuals increase, enterprises decline

This fits with a broader narrative around Vietnamese moving to save and invest rather than spend–the stock market and local gold price have both been at historic highs this year, too–in light of broader economic challenges facing the country. This is also reflected in retail sales which recorded a month-on-month decline in May over April of .07 percent and have averaged a decline of .19 percent a month since January…

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Isotopic testing for cotton products entering US possible problem for Vietnam

Of note, between October of last year and May of this year, US Customs stopped 950 shipments entering the US from Vietnam under the UFLPA valued at US$520 million. Of those 528 were released, 207 are still pending an outcome, and 215 were denied entry. Those denied shipments were worth a collective US$20.9 million with 46 shipments of apparel, footwear, and textiles among them valued at US$496,485…

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