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Day: June 23, 2024

Japan’s Toyota to focus on hybrids over electric vehicles in Vietnam market

Of note, Vietnam’s EV charging network is mostly owned by VinFast, a subsidiary of Vietnamese conglomerate Vingroup. The company claims to have more than 150,000 EV charging ports nationwide, however, these facilities are currently exclusively for Vinfast’s EV users. Vinfast has said that, after 10 years, the network will be opened up to other brands, however, this is years away and it’s not clear what electric car buyers of other brands will do until then…

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Orders up but prices down for garments and textiles in Vietnam

Of note, last year was not a good year for garment manufacturers and clothing suppliers in Vietnam. This was mostly on the back of lower demand in key export markets as a result of higher inflation from higher fuel costs. The response to this has been mostly supply side stimulus. Tax and interest rate cuts have been common but the impact of these measures has been limited without the demand to support them. By the end of November 2023 exports of garments and textiles from Vietnam were hovering at US$30.4 billion, a drop of 12.3 percent over the same period in 2022…

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Vietnam May exports top US$32.26 billion [data set]

Vietnam exported US$32.27 billion worth of goods in May of 2024 an increase of 3.9 percent over April. This brings Vietnam’s total exports for the first five months of 2024 to US$156.28 billion of which foreign invested enterprises accounted for 71.62 percent, just shy of US$112 billion worth…

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S&P global maintains Vietnam BB+ long term, B short term ratings

S&P Global has maintained its ratings for Vietnam but notes there are some risks. Vietnam’s banking sector on its Banking Industry Country Risk Assessment matrix is rated 9. This is on a scale of one to 10 on which 1 represents the lowest risk and 10 represents the highest. This assessment “incorporates regulatory weaknesses, in addition to weak transparency and disclosure standards,” according to the report.

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