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Day: June 19, 2024

The Impact of the Ukraine War on Vietnam’s Economy: Unpacked

The Ukraine War has not been kind to Vietnam’s economy. Tourism, trade, and foreign direct investment have all taken a direct hit, not to mention the indirect impacts of the greater global economic challenges the war has precipitated. With this in mind, and the President of Russia due to land in Hanoi later today, this article looks at how the Ukraine War has impacted Vietnam’s economy.

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China’s Huawei considering Vietnam data centre but no commitment yet

Data centres in Vietnam are becoming more and more common. This is a result of a broader move to digitise the economy as well as several key regulations that require businesses to store the data of Vietnamese users in Vietnam. That said, there are a number of challenges for the sector, not least of which is Vietnam’s somewhat inconsistent electricity supply…

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Top 10 life insurance firms in Vietnam dominated by foreign firms

Of note, Vietnam’s insurance sector has struggled over the last year or so with a number of high-profile instances of consumers claiming they were duped into purchasing insurance products.That said, it is slowly recovering with Vietnam Report’s survey results finding 45.5 percent of industry respondents expect the industry to grow by around 5 to 10 percent this year…

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New Vietnam–Manila direct flights highlight growing south-south integration

This is welcome news for tourism in both countries. Of note, in the first five months of this year, Vietnam welcomed 85,936 tourists from the Philippines, an increase of 54.1 percent over the same period last year. This is in line with growing interregional travel which is visa free for members of ASEAN states. Filipino citizens, for example, can enter Vietnam visa free for up to three weeks. This latest announcement could signal a significant boost to these numbers…

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