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Day: June 17, 2024

Vietnam reservoir flood release indicative of reduced hydro, more coal power strategy?

This is interesting in that hydropower has been underutilised this year compared to last. Just 15 percent of Vietnam’s power came from hydro from January to April of this year, compared to 25 percent for the same period last year. At the same time it has been reported that about 64.6 percent of Vietnam’s electricity came from burning coal in April, whereas in 2023, on average, coal was responsible for just 46 percent of Vietnam’s electricity supply.

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Vietnam PM suggests foreign workers for executive roles at state-owned enterprises

In the past the leaders of SOEs have always been members of the Communist Party of Vietnam which has significantly reduced the talent pool from which to draw–there are currently only a little over 5 million members of the party or around 5 percent of the population. This also leaves these positions open to being filled through political jostling and networking often connected to seniority and an individual’s position within the party more broadly, rather than merit and qualifications…

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Three Vietnam internet cables reported down days before possible Putin visit

This could not have come at a worse time. Not only is the National Assembly currently in session but there have been reports the Russian president, Vladimir Putin could be in Hanoi as soon as Wednesday. With the eyes of foreign governments and international media likely to fall on Hanoi in the event the Russian leader does make his way to Vietnam, demand for information out of the country is likely to be high.

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Vietnam officially considering anti dumping tariffs on Chinese steel

If anti dumping duties are introduced Hoa Phat Steel, which trades on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange under the ticker HPG, would likely be one of the key beneficiaries. Stocks in the firm are some of the most heavily traded on a near daily basis among foreign investors. Foreign ownership in the firm is currently capped at 49 percent with 24.92 percent of the company’s shares currently held by foreign traders.

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How to Open a Retail Store in Vietnam: Ultimate Guide 2024

Shopping at retail stores in Vietnam is becoming increasingly popular as wages rise and the variety of products on offer expands. This presents a range of opportunities for foreign retail store chains. Opening a retail store in Vietnam for foreign firms, however, is not always easy. Not only are there

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