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Day: June 13, 2024

Vietnam car sales increase in May, but down year-to-date

Of note, an article in Business Forum Magazine has lamented that the bulk of this decline was in locally produced vehicles and suggests this might presage an even greater decline of the local car manufacturing industry. It points out that import tariffs have come down considerably on motor vehicles under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement but are also declining as a result of the European-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement which should see tariffs on cars imported from Europe reduced to zero by 2030.

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Claims Vietnam to allow gold imports later this year rebuffed

There was a similar situation last month whereby Reuters reported that the state power provider had asked a key Apple supplier to reduce its power consumption, however, the state power provider later came out and said this wasn’t accurate. It should be noted that government ministries and departments and state-owned enterprises generally do not respond to requests for comment from foreign media. With this in mind, a simple solution might be to reform this practice.

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Vietnam port pushes back on allegations of pilfering from goods for export

The allegations now include 1.68 tons of coffee missing from a shipment to Egypt in January; four shipments of pepper to the Philippines, Korea, Thailand, and Japan from March that were each missing between 1.5 and 4.6 tons; and three pepper shipments to Malaysia and Norway between September last year and March this year that were each missing between 200 kilograms and 3.3 tons of product…

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Vietnam aviation forum highlights outsized debate over rising local airfares

It’s not exactly clear why airline ticket prices have become such a huge focus in the local media and this could suggest that said coverage is slightly disproportionate to the problem it purports to cover. It’s also worth bearing in mind that the local aviation industry has been having a difficult time of late and this may be simply adding to its woes…

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