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Waterpark developer stocks hit ceiling twice after buy order from BOD chairman

Shares of HVC Investment and Technology, trading under the ticker HVH, have twice reached the 7 percent price increase limit on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange twice this week. This came about after it was reported Monday that the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tran Huu Dong, had increased his holdings from 21.93 percent of the company to 22.45 percent. 

HVC started out making electrical equipment and air ducts but has since branched out into experiential entertainment development like skate rinks and waterparks. Of note, the firm recorded its lowest annual revenue for the past four years in 2023, just US$9.9 million with a gross profit of about $1.7 million.

There is a 49 percent cap on foreign ownership in HVH shares of which just .41 percent, as of close of trade June 6.

See also: How to Open a Trading Account in Vietnam: Technical Guide 2024

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