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At the-shiv, our team diligently sifts through the daily influx of news in Vietnam, curating business stories that we deem essential for foreign firms operating or interested in operating within the Vietnamese market. We meticulously select news items that encompass various sectors, economic developments, regulatory changes, and market trends, ensuring that our coverage caters to the diverse informational needs of our audience.

With a keen eye for detail and a dedication to clarity, we take the selected news items and unpack them for our readers. Recognizing the potential barriers in understanding for a foreign audience, we provide detailed explanations, offer broader contextual insights, and sprinkle in analytical perspectives to facilitate a deeper understanding of the intricacies of Vietnam’s business landscape.

While we prioritize brevity to respect our readers’ time, we recognize the importance of providing avenues for further exploration. Thus, alongside our concise analyses, we offer curated links to additional resources, enabling readers to delve deeper into topics of interest at their discretion.

Additionally, we embrace the opportunity to embark on in-depth explorations of recurring themes in Vietnam’s business sphere. Through meticulously researched long-form articles, we aim to unravel complexities, highlight nuances, and offer Western readers a nuanced understanding of the unique dynamics shaping Vietnam’s business environment.


At the-shiv, our overarching mission is to serve as a trusted resource for key decision-makers navigating the intricacies of doing business in Vietnam. We are committed to delivering a succinct, insightful, and objective perspective that empowers our readers to make informed decisions in their business endeavours.

With a focus on clarity and accessibility, we strive to distil complex business information into easily digestible insights. Our target audience includes executives, investors, policymakers, and other stakeholders with vested interests in the Vietnamese market. By providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the business landscape, we aim to facilitate strategic decision-making and foster sustainable business growth.

While our primary focus is on catering to the informational needs of foreign entities, we also recognize the value of offering local stakeholders insights into the international perspectives shaping Vietnam’s business environment. Through our nuanced analyses and contextualized reporting, we seek to bridge the gap between local and global perspectives, fostering a more interconnected and informed business community.

See also: Editorial Policies and Standards

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the-shiv operates independently, relying on a combination of advertising revenue and small contributions from our dedicated supporters to sustain our operations. We maintain strict editorial independence and do not allow our funding sources to influence our editorial content in any capacity. While we occasionally feature sponsored content, we ensure full transparency by clearly labeling such content as sponsored. Our commitment to integrity and transparency remains unwavering, ensuring that our readers can trust the reliability and impartiality of our reporting.

Contact us

e: editor(at)the-shiv.com
p: +61 423 316 257
m: PO Box 257, Warner, Queensland, Australia, 4500

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Vietnam high-profile stock market manipulation trial to kick-off in July

Prior to Quyet’s arrest, FLC had been a major real estate developer in Vietnam. The company had properties all over Vietnam as well as an airline–Bamboo Airways–with Quyet at one point reportedly a US dollar billionaire. Well known in Vietnam–idolised by some for his business savvy–his arrest drew a lot of media coverage and his trial will likely too…

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Vietnam records 8.8 million tourist arrivals to June [data set]

Vietnam’s tourism arrivals reached 8.8 million between January and June of this year an increase of 58.4 percent over the same period in 2023. That said, month on month June saw a decline in tourist numbers of about 9 percent.  This is notable in that June is the peak summer travel period for the northern hemisphere…

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Vietnam Airports: Foreign Investors Guide 2024

Vietnam’s airports have been a critical component in Vietnam’s economic development. They are the main entry point for most foreign investors, they facilitate millions of dollars of trade via air freight every day, and they have commanded huge amounts of public investment spurring the country’s economic growth. But Vietnam’s key airports are near, if not over capacity, and expansions are sorely needed. This, however, will take huge amounts of money as well as expertise and support. With this in mind, this guide runs through Vietnam airports, including their needs and development plans…

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Vietnam Seaports: Foreign Investors Guide 2024

Vietnam’s seaports, like Vietnam’s airports, have been a critical component to logistics in Vietnam and subsequently in Vietnam’s economic development. They are the main entry point for most foreign imports and the main exit point for most manufactured goods made in Vietnam. As such they facilitate millions of dollars of…

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Vietnam Industrial Production Index gains 10.9 points in June

Vietnam’s Industrial Production Index recorded a gain of 10.9 points in the twelve months to June of 2024. This is the fourth consecutive month that an increase has been recorded. The biggest gains were in: services related to printing, rubber and plastic goods manufacturing, and plastic goods manufacturing. Conversely the biggest falls were in: production of batteries and accumulators, natural gas exploitation, and production of toys and games…

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