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Republishing licences

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Why licence content from the-shiv?

If you’re operating a consulting business or provide support services for foreign clients in Vietnam then there are a number of reasons that you might want to consider licensing content from the-shiv. These include:

Keep your clients engaged with your brand

It’s written with a developed-world audience in mind–it’s more nuanced and objective with the propaganda stripped away. It’s also framed within a developed-world understanding of doing business and economics breaking down concepts unique to doing business in Vietnam.

Increase touchpoints

It takes an average of seven contact points before a customer makes a purchase. Using content from the-shiv you can regularly make contact with prospective clients without always making it about the hard-sell.

It’s cost effective and easy to implement

There are both single licences and subscriptions available and they can be purchased online with just a couple of clicks. Then it’s just a matter of copying and pasting the content to your blog, into your newsletter, or on your social media account.

Show that you are engaged

Business owners want to know that the people they are doing business with in Vietnam know their market. It’s important to show clients that you are all over what is happening in Vietnam’s business environment. That you are tracking trends and developments and that they can rest assured that if there are changes to the business environment that will impact their business that you will be right across it.

Buy now: Single Article US$100 \\ Subscription US$400 per month

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