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VN-Index up 0.8 points to 1,151.61 at close October 12

The VN-Index inched up slightly Thursday with TPBank, Vingroup, Vinamilk, and Saigon Beer all making notable gains, VN Express is reporting. Foreign firms, however, sold almost twice as much as they bought, exiting the market to the tune of US$27 billion.

Foreign investor trades on HOSE October 12


Most popular stocks by volume for foreign investors October 12

HPGHoa Phat GroupSteel9,882,755
MWGMobile World Investment CorporationTelecommunications6,417,000
VPBVP BankBanking and Finance3,775,800
TCBVietnam Technological and Commercial BankBanking and Finance2,380,000
VHMVinhomesResidential Real Estate1,873,392

Source: HOSE Trading news October 12, 2023

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