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VN-Index up 7 points to 1,150.8 at close October 11

Large caps in the oil sector gained yesterday lifting the local bourse overall, Vietnam News is reporting. Foreign firms trading on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange, however, only slightly shifted their position net buying less that US$1 million worth of stocks.

Foreign investor trades on HOSE October 11

VND (billions)US$

Most popular stocks by volume for foreign investors October 11

TCBVietnam Technological and Commercial BankBanking and Finance182,798,900
FPTFPT CorporationTelecommunications113,965,114
VHMVinhomesResidential Real Estate95,480,272
HPGHoa Phat GroupSteel81,466,174
PNJPhu Nhuan JewelleryManufacturing80,707,082

Source: HOSE Trading news October 11, 2023

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