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VN-Index down 18 points to close at 1,103.40, October 18

The VN-Index continued its downward slide Tuesday, losing 1.64 percent to finish the day at just 1,103.40 points, according to HOSE data. The index has now fallen just over 50 points since its close Friday. Foreign investors, however, seem to have changed their tune with a considerable uptick in the buy trade, relatively speaking, with a net purchase value on Wednesday of US$22.5 million. 

Note: several of the first banks to release their third-quarter earnings have recorded sizeable falls in profit. This may have weighed on stocks today (see: Quarterly bank financial reports reveal broad falls in profits).

Foreign investor trades on HOSE October 12 to 18


Most popular stocks by volume for foreign investors October 18

STBSacombankBanking and Finance4,761,300
FPTFPT CorporationTelecommunications4,463,000
VPBVietnam Prosperity BankBanking and Finance3,846,254
MWGMobile World Investment CorporationTelecommunications3,598,234
HPGHoa Phat GroupSteel3,395,640

Source: Trading news October 18, 2023

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