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VN-Index +9.66 points (1,109.73) at close, November 14

The VN-Index continued on its upward trend Tuesday increasing by 9.66 points or .88 percent to close out he session at 1,109.73, according to Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange data. Foreign investors continued their net-selling trend with another US$13.7 million withdrawn from the market.

Foreign investor trades on HoSE from November 8 to November 14

Buy Sell Change
8/11 1,435 $58,876,615 1,701 $69,790,329 -266 -$10,913,714
9/11 1,548 $63,512,892 2,354 $96,582,266 -806 -$33,069,374
10/11 1,558 $63,923,182 1,791 $73,482,939 -233 -$9,559,757
6/11 1,110 $45,542,190 1,488 $61,051,152 -378 -$15,508,962
7/11 1,025 $42,054,725 1,359 $55,758,411 -334 -$13,703,686
Total 6,676 $273,909,604 8,693 $356,665,097 -2,017 -$82,755,493

Most popular stocks by volume for foreign investors November 14

MWG Mobile World Investment Corporation Telecommunications 7,058,919
SSI SSI Securities Securities Trading 5,075,578
STB Sacombank Banking and Finance 3,664,109
HPG Hoa Phat Group Steel 3,530,091
DXG Dat Xanh Group Real Estate Services and Construction 2,575,600

Source: Trading news November 14, 2023

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