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VN-Index -8.67 points (1,094.13) at close, November 30

The HoSE closed Thursday at 1,094.13 points down 8.67 points or -0.79 percent from the day before. Foreign traders continued to net-sell to the tune of US$15.8 million. Aside from the regular faces among the top five traded stocks among foreign investors, Hoa Phat Steel, VP Bank, and Vinhomes were Nam Kim Steel and agricultural firm Hoang Anh Gia Lai.

Foreign investor trades on HoSE from November 24 to November 30

Buy Sell Change
24/11 1,283 $52,847,283 884 $36,412,314 399 $16,434,970
27/11 635 $26,155,904 595 $24,508,288 40 $1,647,616
28/11 897 $36,947,789 848 $34,929,459 49 $2,018,330
29/11 974 $40,119,450 1,074 $44,238,490 -100 -$4,119,040
30/11 1,184 $48,769,434 1,567 $64,545,357 -383 -$15,775,923
Total 4,973 $204,839,859 4,968 $204,633,907 5 $205,952

Most popular stocks by volume for foreign investors November 30

Code Name Sector Volume
HPG Hoa Phat Group Steel 7,594,615
VPB Vietnam Prosperity Bank Banking and Finance 6,655,400
VHM Vinhomes Residential Real Estate 5,065,556
HAG Hoang Anh Gia Lai Agricultural Production 3,454,700
NKG Nam Kim Steel Steel 2,681,600

Source: Trading news November 30, 2023

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