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Vietnam box office revenue reaches new high in 2024

Vietnam box office revenue hit VND 4.7 trillion or US$184 million in 2024, according to Box Office Vietnam. It was also reportedly the first time all of the top 10 films for the year grossed over VND 100 billion or US$3.9 million.

Of note, Nguoi Do Thi has focused on analysis that a common theme among the top 10 was intergenerational conflict. It also notes that films that deal with other issues did not seem to perform as well. It is worth remembering, however, that there is a censorship regime in place in Vietnam that takes a lot of topics off the table or only allows some stories to only be told in certain ways.

Gia Lai online has also pointed out that of the record revenue, just VND 1,900 came from Vietnamese film with the rest generated by foreign imports. It also notes that several locally made films failed to crack the VND 100 million or US$3,933 mark.

On a side note, Vietnam has been actively pushing for more films to be produced in the country, particularly foreign films as a means to upskill its own creative workforce. It does, however, impose a number of restrictions on film production that can make it difficult for both domestic and foreign film makers alike to produce good quality storytelling in Vietnam.

See also: Why More Foreign Films Aren’t Made in Vietnam

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