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Road to second airport for Vietnam’s HCMC delayed amid land acquisition issues

The road set to connect Ho Chi Minh City to the new airport being constructed in Long Thanh about an hour out of the city has been delayed amid issues acquiring the necessary land.

Bao Giao Thong says this is because on one road 40 percent of the land is defense land though it doesn’t explain why this would cause abnormal delays. It also notes that Tan Binh District needs to hand over land belonging to 68 households before December 28 for a second road if it is to be completed by February 28 next year. It’s not clear if there is a delay here or if a delay is expected.

With the airport so far from the heart of the city and HCMC’s current airport, efficient and effective land connections will be crucial. The airport is, however, still a long way from being operational so there is still plenty of time. However, delays in infrastructure projects on the back of site clearance issues have been known to blow out by years in some instances.

See also: Airports in Vietnam

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