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VN-Index gains 7.37 (+0.68%) to close at 1,095.43, November 28

The VN-Index reversed course today heading upward 7.37 points to finish out the session at 1,095.43 points. Foreign traders net bought for the third straight day though only US$2 million worth of stocks, a drop in the bucket compared to the US$37.5 million they shed last week.

Trades by foreign investors HoSE November 28

Buy Sell Change
22/11 838 $34,570,936 1,584 $65,346,494 -746 -$30,775,559
23/11 928 $38,283,805 1,374 $56,683,133 -446 -$18,399,329
24/11 1,283 $52,929,010 884 $36,468,624 399 $16,460,386
27/11 635 $26,196,354 595 $24,546,190 40 $1,650,164
28/11 897 $37,004,928 848 $34,983,477 49 $2,021,451
Total 4,581 $188,985,032 5,285 $218,027,919 -704 -$29,042,886

Most trade by foreign investors November 28

Code Name Sector Volume
VIX VIX Securities Securities Trading 35,577,979
TCB Vietnam Technological and Commercial Bank Banking and Finance 33,982,013
EIB Eximbank Banking and Finance 28,396,513
NVL No Va Land Real Estate Services and Construction 28,257,219
VND VNDIRECT Securities Trading 26,449,176

Source: Trading news November 28, 2023

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