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VN-Index gains 7.37 (+0.67%) to close at 1,102.80, November 29

The VN-Index climbed higher today, moving up 7.37 points or .67 percent to finish the session at 1,102.80. Foreign traders returned to net-selling shedding US$4.1 million worth of stocks. Most popular among foreign investors today were Vinhomes (VHM) and Mobile World Group (MWG).

Trades by foreign investors HoSE November 29

Buy Sell Change
23/11 928 $38,236,570 1,374 $56,613,197 -446 -$18,376,627
24/11 1,283 $52,863,706 884 $36,423,629 399 $16,440,077
27/11 635 $26,164,032 595 $24,515,904 40 $1,648,128
28/11 897 $36,959,270 848 $34,940,314 49 $2,018,957
29/11 974 $40,131,917 1,074 $44,252,237 -100 -$4,120,320
Total 4,717 $194,355,494 4,775 $196,745,280 -58 -$2,389,786

Most trade by foreign investors November 29

Code Name Sector Volume
VHM Vinhomes Residential Real Estate 5,252,373
MWG Mobile World Investment Corporation Telecommunications 4,308,870
TCB Vietnam Technological and Commercial Bank Banking and Finance 4,058,200
HPG Hoa Phat Group Steel 4,028,195
STB Sacombank Banking and Finance 2,701,400

Source: Trading news November 29, 2023

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