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VN-Index falls 4.52 points (-0.40 %) to close at 1,115.97, December 5

The VN-Index closed down Tuesday by 4.52 points or 0.40 percent, leaving the index at 1,115.97 points. Foreign traders continued to exit the market en masse with a further US$64.2 million net-withdrawn from the market. This is on the back of US$23.9 million net-withdrawn yesterday.

Foreign investor trading activity on the HoSE, December 5

Buy Sell Change
29/11 974 $40,130,164 1,074 $44,250,304 -100 -$4,120,140
30/11 1,184 $48,782,458 1,567 $64,562,594 -383 -$15,780,136
1/12 1,184 $48,782,458 1,567 $64,562,594 -383 -$15,780,136
4/12 882 $36,339,635 1,462 $60,236,447 -580 -$23,896,812
5/12 569 $23,443,597 2,127 $87,635,378 -1,558 -$64,191,781
Total 4,793 $197,478,310 7,797 $321,247,316 -3,004 -$123,769,006

Most traded stocks, foreign traders, December 5

Code Name Sector Volume
5/12 VHM Vinhomes Residential Real Estate 8,872,295
5/12 HPG Hoa Phat Group Steel 8,112,160
5/12 VPB Vietnam Prosperity Bank Banking and Finance 6,514,990
5/12 MBB Military Bank Banking and Finance 4,205,123
5/12 VND VNDIRECT Securities Trading 4,159,825

Source: Transaction news December 5, 2023

See also: Vietnam’s Stock Market, November 2023: Snapshot

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