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Vietnam’s Vietjet faces new legal action from original lessors in FW Aviation lawsuit

Finance providers BNP Paribas S.A and Natixis, which were the original lessors in a lawsuit brought by FW Aviation against Vietnam’s Vietjet in which two aircraft lease agreements were cancelled but Vietjet failed to return the aircraft, both filed new claims on August 8 against the airline in the UK. This comes just over a week after the same court found mostly in favour of FW Aviation in the aforementioned case.

This adds to a growing list of legal action against the airline in recent years. This includes filings with the UK courts from SAF Leasing and Avolon Aerospace in May this year, a judgement in another lawsuit brought by Djinn Issuer mostly in favour of the claimant in October of 2023, and another brought by AWAS 6696 Ireland limited in May of 2023.

These legal challenges for the airline largely stem from prolonged lockdowns during the pandemic, however, there is more to it than that–ticket price caps and currency fluctuations are also causing problems for Vietnam’s airline industry more broadly.

See: Vietnam’s Airline Industry Turbulence: Unpacked

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