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Vietnam’s strengths and weaknesses from Global Innovation Index report

Vietnam is up two places on the Global Innovation Index, now ranked 46 out of 132 countries,  state media is reporting. The article focuses on input and output performance but misses the table below that lays out Vietnam’s innovation strengths and weaknesses. Full report.

RankIndicator nameRankIndicator name
3High-tech exports, % total trade130Environmental performance
4Labor productivity growth, %112Knowledge-intensive employment, %
4High-tech imports, % total trade108Expenditure on education, % GDP
7Creative goods exports, % total trade105Cost of redundancy dismissal
7Domestic industry diversification103Tertiary inbound mobility, %
8Mobile app creation/bn PPP$ GDP100Pupil-teacher ratio, secondary
9GERD financed by business, %77National feature films/mn pop. 15-69
13Gross capital formation, % GDP51Loans from microfinance institutions, % GDP
17Applied tariff rate, weighted avg., %
21Domestic credit to private sector, % GDP
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