The UK’s Commercial Court has granted anti-suit injunctions to banks BNP Paribas and Natixis against Vietjet with respect to court proceedings Vietjet had intended to pursue in Vietnam. The banks had previously held lease agreements with the airline with respect to several aircraft, lease agreements Vietjet defaulted on. The banks had pursued, and been awarded the injunctions, on the grounds that the agreements with Vietjet specifically assigned the UK courts jurisdiction over any dispute between the parties.
This is another blow to the airline after the same court last year found in favour of the plaintiff in a case based on the same series of events. Specifically, after termination notices had been served on the aforementioned lease agreements, Vietjet had refused to return the aircraft and had continued to use the aircraft for some time afterwards without making repayment. Restitution in that case is still yet to be determined with an appeal making its way through the UK courts.
For more background see: The VietJet UK Court Ruling for Foreign Firms in Vietnam: Unpacked