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Transcript of DOC hearing into Vietnam’s non-market economy status now available

The United States Department of Commerce has released a transcript of the hearing into the department’s review of Vietnam’s non-market economy status. The transcript does not add much more insight into the review other than what is already out there–Vietnam arguing that its reforms meet the necessary requirements, those against the change arguing that Vietnam is being used by China as a means to circumvent anti-dumping and countervailing duties.

This hearing should just about cap off contributions from the parties involved with the Department of Commerce now set to deliberate with a report due July 26.

Background: In September of 2023 Vietnam made an official request for a review of its non-market economy status to the DOC. This was approved on October 23. The review is centred around six key criteria: currency convertibility, worker’s rights, market access for foreign investors, government control over the means of production, government control over the allocation of resources, and anything else the DOC feels is relevant.

For a full write-up seeUnpacked: Vietnam’s Non-Market Economy Review 

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