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Notes on Vietnam’s up coming radio frequency auctions

Vietnam’s Ministry of Information and Communication has announced it will auction several radio frequencies, specifically the band from 2,500 to 2,600MHz, with the goal of boosting the country’s 5G rollout, Vietnam Investment Review is reporting. The starting price for the auction is US$167.93 million for a 15 year contract. These auctions however come with caveats, namely:

  • Winning bidders have 12 months after being licensed to start using the band; and
  • Winning bidders must deploy at least 3,000 5G broadcasting stations within two years.

Additional notes:

  • A similar auction earlier in the year closed without a single bid.
  • Foreign firms cannot own more than 50 percent of a telecommunications company that owns network infrastructure in Vietnam.

See also: Vietnam’s Foreign Ownership Limits: Quick Guide 2023 

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