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Gambling ad sports broadcast embeds headache for Vietnam pay-TV providers

The Vietnam Pay Television Association has said it is not possible to remove embedded gambling ads from international sports broadcasts due to provisions in rights contracts prohibiting editing footage, according to Nguoi Quan Sat. This comes after Pay-TV providers were warned earlier this year that showing gambling ads on television was prohibited. The association has instead recommended that the Ministry of Information and Communication focus on cracking down on, and blocking, illegal gambling websites instead.

In the same article, the association also raises the issue of illegal streaming of sports tournaments which is rampant in Vietnam, particularly with respect to international football. It recommends blocking more of these sites, too.

That said, in the past, blocking illegal streaming websites in Vietnam has simply seen them reappear under a slightly different URL. It’s not clear in this context just how effective this could practically be.

On a side note, two unauthorised Vietnam gambling sites, NET88 and DEBET, announced they had inked deals with two English premier league clubs to sponsor their shirts next season. This suggests that 1, illegal sports gambling is thriving in Vietnam; and 2, these sites have identified in-game advertising as an effective means of reaching Vietnamese bettors.

See also: Gambling in Vietnam: Foreign Investor Quick Read 2024 

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