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FDI enterprises in Vietnam average monthly salary based on compulsory social insurance US$258

Doanh Nhan Saigon is covering late payments of compulsory social insurance in Vietnam. Of note, however, is a finding that the average salary of a worker in a foreign organisation or foreign invested enterprise is VND 6.23 million per month (US$258). This represents an increase of 1.48 percent over 2021.


Why it matters: Accurate figures in Vietnam can be hard to come by and are often inconsistent. However, using compulsory social insurance contributions as a basis for determining an average salary seems to be relatively reliable. For context, the General Office of Statistics numbers have the average wage across the board in the first half of 2023 at VND 7 million (US$290) including both local and foreign enterprises. On top of that, there is also this article from August 2022 that has the average wage of wholly foreign invested firms in Vietnam at VND 10.3 million (US$427.45) in 2020.

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