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World Economic Forum report finds Vietnam leads region in sustainability

The World Economic Forum’s The Future of Growth Report 2024 has found that of ASEAN member states included in the report, Vietnam has come out on top in sustainability. Of note, the country received its best scores under sustainability in:

  • Investment in renewable energy as a percentage of GDP. This is calculated using an average of data collected over 2020, 2021, and 2022. Note that
  • Total waste produced per capita, per year. This is the total tons of waste produced per the World Bank’s What a Waste report from 2018 divided by the population.
  • Renewable energy regulation. This is drawn from The World Bank’s Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy dataset. It is a composite of all seven criteria.

Economy overview, select ASEAN member states

GDP per capita PPP (2023) Average GDP per capita growth (2018- 2023) Average GDP growth (2018- 2023)
Indonesia 12,936 2.3 4.1
Malaysia 30,292 2.4 4
Philippines 9,252 1.5 4.6
Singapore 108,733 2 2.9
Thailand 18,372 0.3 1.8
Vietnam 11,669 3.8 5.8
World 19,092 0.91 1.86

Future of Growth Report Scores, select ASEAN member states

Innovativeness Inclusiveness Sustainability Resilience
Indonesia 44.62 50.35 45.06 57.92
Malaysia 52.33 61.72 41.51 63.63
Philippines 42.11 48.3 50.68 54.14
Singapore 76.43 69.53 39.95 63.55
Thailand 47.94 55.66 40.84 51.51
Vietnam 44.35 56.23 56.87 56.92
World 45.2 55.91 46.83 52.75

Full report: The Future of Growth Report 2024

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