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VN-Index inches up, closes out Monday at 1,137.36 points

The outbreak of violence in the Middle East has pushed global oil prices up and that’s seen oil and gas stocks on the Ho Chi Ming City Stock Exchange receive a boost, VN Express is reporting. That said, foreign investors largely withdrew from the market yesterday, pulling just over US$29 million out of the local bourse.

Foreign investor trades on HOSE October 9

VND (billions)US$

Most popular stocks for foreign investors October 9

ACBAsia Commercial BankBanking and Finance195,808,540
FPTFPT CorporationTelecommunications116,868,650
VCBBank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank)Banking and Finance108,318,610
VICVingroupReal Estate Services and Construction90,572,411
POWPetroVietnam Power CorporationElectricity Production84,613,174

Source: HOSE Trading news October 9, 2023

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