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VN-Index 🡇 9.37 points (1,080.29) at close, November 7

The HoSE has ended its four day up-streak finishing Tuesday down o.86 percent, according to HoSE data. Foreign traders got in on the sell-off action too, net-shedding almost US$11 million worth of stocks. The most popular stock for foreign traders in terms of trade turnover was Mobile World Group with nearly 8 million shares changing hands.

Foreign investor trades on HoSE from November 1 to November 7

Buy Sell Change
1/11 1,779 $73,074,560 1,888 $77,551,866 -109 -$4,477,306
2/11 1,335 $54,836,727 1,480 $60,792,776 -145 -$5,956,049
3/11 1,781 $73,156,712 1,514 $62,189,367 267 $10,967,345
6/11 1,473 $60,505,243 1,120 $46,005,344 353 $14,499,899
7/11 974 $40,008,219 1,239 $50,893,412 -265 -$10,885,193
Total 7,342 $301,581,460 7,241 $297,432,764 101 $4,148,696

Most popular stocks by volume for foreign investors November 7

MWG Mobile World Investment Corporation Telecommunications 7,994,088
HPG Hoa Phat Group Steel 5,293,511
VRE Vincom Retail Retail Property 5,261,606
VND VNDIRECT Securities Trading 5,243,926
HDB HD Bank Banking and Finance 3,682,070

Source: Trading news November 7, 2023


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