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VN-Index 🡅 35.81 points (1,075.47) at close, November 2

The HoSE smashed it Thursday finishing up a phenomenal 35.81 points or 3.44 percent to close at 1,075.47. Real estate and construction firms were four of the top five performers. This is year another in a series of wild swings with investors uncertain about the direction of the economy. Of note, foreign traders went against the tine net selling US$5.9 million worth of stocks.

Foreign investor trades on HoSE from October 27 to November 2


Most popular stocks by volume for foreign investors November 2

VIXVix SecuritiesSecurities Trading34,213,276
SSISSI SecuritiesSecurities Trading27,835,870
HPGHoa Phat GroupSteel27,583,194
DIGDevelopment Investment Construction Corp.Real Estate Services and Construction26,254,623
NVLNo Va LandReal Estate Services and Construction26,187,859

Source: Trading news November 2, 2023

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