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Vietnam’s Industrial Production Index jumps 20 percent in March

Vietnam’s Industrial Production Index–or IIP–was up 20 percent in March over February according to Vietnam’s General Office of Statistics. Notably, the IIP saw an 18 percent fall in February as a result of the Lunar New Year holiday and in this context these latest results seem to indicate a return to normal.

The biggest gains in March were in:

  •  Other common machines, up 102.7;
  •  Lifting, lowering and loading equipment, up 94.9;
  •  Manufacture of other specialised machines, up 68.9; and
  • Machinery and equipment not classified elsewhere, up 63.3.

The biggest falls were in:

  • Plastic and synthetic rubber in primary forms, down 38.8;
  • Refined petroleum products, down 10.9;
  • Coke and refined petroleum products 10.4; and
  • Chemicals and chemical products, down 6.1.
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