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Vietnam’s GDP growth hits 7.4 percent in Q3 2024 [with table breakdown]

Vietnam’s GDP grew by 7.4 percent in the third quarter of 2024 compared to 2023, according to data from the General Office of Statistics. A total of 4.08 percent of Vietnam’s GDP this year has come from the forestry and fishery sector; with industry and construction accounting for a further 48.88 percent and the service sector accounting for the remaining 47.04 percent.

Vietnam’s GDP by industry, 2010 constant prices, Q3 2024

Q3Jan-SepCompared to 2023 %
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries162,4217460,39218.592.583.20
Industry and construction587,190241,623,91565.569.118.19
Processing and manufacturing industry378,618151,042,96542.1111.419.76
Production and distribution of electricity, gas, hot water, steam and air conditioning56,6892162,2806.558.0611.11
Water supply; waste and wastewater management and treatment activities9,216025,3971.0314.339.83
Wholesale and retail; repair of automobiles, motorcycles, motorbikes and other motor vehicles138,9496423,80517.117.977.56
Transportation, warehousing86,6853268,77710.8511.0711.03
Accommodation and food services39,6542113,2534.578.759.48
Information and communication88,5484257,66010.406.585.39
Finance, banking and insurance activities86,8354239,2939.668.446.47
Real estate business51,1852148,1535.983.892.71
Professional, scientific and technological activities41,6032115,8524.686.026.08
Administrative activities and support services23,096172,7162.9410.1710.67
Activities of the Communist Party, socio-political organizations; State management, national defense and security; compulsory social security29,404182,7543.347.356.30
Education and training46,4042134,1145.415.114.71
Health and social assistance21,410157,4332.324.364.24
Arts, entertainment and recreation11,159033,5461.357.177.07
Other service activities9,032028,5991.155.135.12
Activities of hiring out work in households, producing material products and services for household self-consumption1,63104,8470.206.415.69
Product taxes minus product subsidies136,7576407,10716.445.735.05

See also: Vietnam’s Economy: Everything You Need to Know 2024

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