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Vietnam corporate bond issuances halve month-on-month in September

Vietnam’s corporate bond market saw 25 bond issuances–24 private and 1 public–worth a collective VND 23,800 billion, US$958 million, in September, according to data from the Vietnam Bond Market Association. This was a sizable fall compared to August in which a total of 45 bond issuances–43 private and 2 public–worth a collective VND 48,995 billion, US$1.99 billion were issued.

There were also a total of 26 announcements related to late interest payments made by corporate bond issuers in Vietnam, amounting to VND 239.4 billion or US$$9.6 million and two announcements concerning late principal payments, with a total value of VND 550.4 billion or US$22.2 million.

Vietnam corporate bond issuances by segment, September 2024

Segment VND bns US$
Banking 15,693.50 $631,909,763
Real Estate 5,400 $217,434,780
Securities 150 $6,039,855
Consumer 200 $8,053,140
Energy 900 $36,239,130
Total 22,343.50 $899,676,668

See also: Vietnam’s Financial Sector 2024: An Overview

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