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Vietnam considers rolling back drink-driving penalties

Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security has proposed reducing fines for drink driving wherein a driver has a blood alcohol content or BAC below .025. For cars it has suggested reducing the fine from VND 6 to 8 million to VND 1 million and for motorcycles from VND 2 to 3 million to VND 400,000 to 600,000, according to VN Express.

It is not clear what has driven the MPS to suggest these changes, however, it should be noted that the alcoholic beverage industry has repeatedly complained that enforcement of Vietnam’s strict drink driving laws has impacted sales significantly. In fact, Heineken cited the laws as one reason why it had to close a production facility in Vietnam’s Quang Nam province earlier this year.

See also: What’s Happened to Vietnam’s Beer Market? Unpacked 2024

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