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Former Trump security advisor spruiks Vietnam-US trade potential

Former security advisor to Donald Trump, Robert C. O’Brien has penned an op-ed suggesting that Vietnam could play an increasingly important role in US trade. In it, he basically suggests the US should increase its engagement with Vietnam in order to counter China’s influence in the region which is not really a new argument.

Of interest, however, is that it was cited by Eric Olander of the China Global South Project in an editorial in which Olander uses O’Brien’s article to catapult into a comparison of the economic might and abilities of Vietnam versus China. This takes place under the banner “Sorry, Vietnam is NOT Going to Be the “Next China””. To be clear, O’Brien never said this. What he did say was that “Vietnam Could Be America’s Next Great Trade Partner”.

That said, neither article offers too much by way of a new perspective. However, arguably, what O’Brien is thinking, as a former Trump advisor, might offer some insight into what the new administration’s approach might be.

See also: Economy of Vietnam

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