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Bitcoin price jump sparks flurry of interest in Vietnam

The price of Bitcoin has skyrocketed on the back of the election of Donald Trump in the United States. With cryptocurrency relatively popular in Vietnam–though not to the extent some ‘studies’ might suggest–and this has sparked a flurry of media coverage.

News outlet An Nhin Tu Do, which cites several of the aforementioned ‘studies’, the most extreme of which estimates crypto ownership by 25.9 million Vietnamese or one in four people, has suggested the jump in price has made Vietnamese crypto investors ‘restless’. It goes on to cite Financial expert Phan Dung Khanh as saying that Vietnamese crypto investors tend to trade based on a fear of missing out (READ: buy into hype).

Zing News on the other hand has pointed out that the rise in value of Bitcoin has not necessarily translated to greater profits for Vietnamese investors on the grounds that Vietnamese investors tend to invest in layer 1 and layer 2 crypto assets citing a Coin 98 study.

Then there is Cafe F which has looked at the lack of regulation of the space in Vietnam. It notes that there is a May 2025 deadline in place for the Ministry of Finance to develop a framework for digital assets in Vietnam. The publication goes on to point out that currently traders have little experience and few legal protections and urges a faster regulatory process.

See also: Why Cryptocurrency in Vietnam Is So Popular: Unpacked 

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